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Church Membership

Cornerstone Baptist Church believes that church membership is part of God’s plan for uniting the body of Christ. While church membership has nothing to do with salvation, it does have an important influence on the life of the believer. This information sheet will consider five aspects of church membership.

  1. The Importance of Church Membership

    1. Church Membership is Scriptural:

      “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.” Acts 2:41

    2. Church Membership is Necessary:

      A defined membership is necessary for qualifying the officers, teachers, etc. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

    3. Church Membership is Practical:

      An independent church like Cornerstone Baptist is not able to conduct business, elect officers, or even spend money without the authority of its membership. (Acts 6:3)

  2. The Advantages of Church Membership

    1. Identification With God’s People:

      God’s people have always been clearly identified. Though common in America, the idea of the “independent Christian” is totally alien to the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 12:27 states, “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.”

    2. Increased Effectiveness:

      Just as logs joined together burn more brightly than a single log, so Christians, gathered together, can accomplish much more than an individual.

    3. A Sense of Belonging and Communion:

      It is no longer their church but our church.

    4. Acceptance of Responsibility:

      To get the full benefits of any relationship one must be committed to the obligations and responsibilities of that relationship. One must become responsible for the success of the Lord’s work at the church. Be a participator not just a spectator.

    5. Accountability to One Another for the Way We Live and Our Spiritual Walk:

      (Matthew 18:17; 1 Corinthians 5:5; Galatians 6:1-2; Ephesians 5:21)

  3. The Conditions of Church Membership

    1. A personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:9-10)

    2. Baptism by immersion after salvation. (Acts 2:41)

    3. A desire to live a godly and pure life. (Romans 6:1-10)

    4. Agreement with the Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, and Church Constitution.

  4. The Procedures in Becoming a Church Member

    1. Please approach the Pastor or Deacons and let them know of your interest in joining the church. The Pastor and Deacons will inform one another of prospective members.

    2. Obtain and read a copy of the Church Statement of Faith, Covenant, and Constitution. Be prepared to ask the Pastor any questions you may have about those documents.

    3. Meet with the Pastor or Deacons and offer your testimony of faith in Christ and Biblical Baptism by immersion after salvation. If transferring from another Bible believing church it is required that one has not left the other church with any unsettled issues with the leadership and people of that church. The Pastor will be glad to discuss any matters of concern with you and will make every attempt to communicate with your previous Pastor via phone or letter. We request that any applicant for membership deal with bitterness or anger relating to previous church experiences. Spiritual healing and wholeness are our goal! Unforgiveness and a bad attitude are destructive and contagious.

    4. New Members are presented at the end of a church service and with the approval of the attending members (verbally affirming approval with an “amen”). The new members are presented with the “Right Hand of Fellowship” at the close of the dedication prayer.

  5. The Responsibilities of Church Membership

    The responsibilities of church membership are explained in the Church Constitution. Briefly stated, a Bible believing church cannot continue to minister to the community in which God has placed it unless its members maintain an active, faithful, and supportive role. This is God’s plan and our privilege. The leadership and membership of Cornerstone Baptist Church stand ready to help in any way possible to make your relationship with God and God’s people more fulfilling, rewarding and meaningful.


ADDRESS: 1099 Highspire Road, Harrisburg PA 17111


PHONE: (717) 939-8722

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